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Make a Donation Today.
Monetary Donations:
Monetary donations and gifts are the easiest and most direct way to give to the Saratoga Automobile Museum. If you itemize on your federal income tax return, cash gifts are fully deductible. You can make a cash gift in several ways
Online: Make a secure online credit card transaction
By Mail: Send a check or money order made out to: Saratoga Automobile Museum, 110 Avenue of the Pines, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
By Phone: Make a credit card transaction by calling Molly Knott, Business Manager at (518) 401-5187
Matching Gifts
Double the impact of your contribution! Numerous companies offer charitable matching gift programs to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations. Many of these programs match contributions dollar for dollar. Please check with your company to see if it offers a matching gift program that will match your gift to the Saratoga Automobile Museum. Some of the local companies that have supported SAM through their Matching Gifts programs include: GE, CR Bard, Verizon, Bank of America, State Farm and more.
We are deeply grateful for your consideration of a contribution to the Saratoga Automobile Museum. Your generosity, along with the support of our members and friends, is vital to our continued success. We truly appreciate your commitment to helping us thrive.
In-Kind Support
The Museum welcomes gifts of goods and services. From technology to landscaping, hospitality to office equipment, professional advice to automotive repairs, donated goods and services are important contributions to SAM’s operating resources.
Gifts of Securities and Real estate
Securities (i.e. stocks and bonds) and Real Estate are popular alternatives to gifts of cash and generate a double tax benefit. In addition to receiving a charitable income tax deduction, the donor escapes any potential tax on the capital gain in the property if owned more than one year.
Exhibition & Event Sponsorship
You can designate your contribution to support one of the Museum’s special projects such as exhibition development, education programs, community outreach, or technology enhancements in the galleries.
Vehicle Donation
There are many ways that vehicle donations can support the Saratoga Automobile Museum, by enhancing our collection or providing funds for collections maintenance and general operating support. We review vehicles offered for donation in two ways, those that will be considered for the museum’s collection, based on their connection to our mission and collecting focus, and those that will be sold. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of donated vehicles go directly to the Museum and all vehicle donations are tax deductible to the donor.
Legacy Gift
Through a bequest or other estate gift, you can help provide for the future of the Saratoga Automobile Museum. Your contribution makes a difference and reflects your commitment to the museum and its mission! You do not have to be wealthy to make a contribution. Planned giving can be as simple as including a gift in your will or naming the Museum as beneficiary of an IRA. There are many kinds of planned gifts, each with different advantages and effects.